A large number of people living in our modern Western culture tend to be overfed and malnourished at the same time. It means we are eating far too many calories, but too few actual nutrients.
To help you start losing weight, you must first remineralize your body with outstanding nutritional supplements. The more vitamins, minerals and superfoods that you consume may help you start losing weight, even without any other weight-loss strategies. Avoid foods classified as "negative nutrition foods" because they will keep you in a state of nutrient deficiency, which will promote cravings. Mostly processed, refined and packaged foods are in this category. Natural And Healthy Appetite Suppressants Water Drinking water naturally reduces your appetite by filling your stomach. Drinking two or three glasses as soon as you wake up in the morning, several glasses in between meals and two glasses half an hour to an hour before dinner. Alternatively, you may drink herbal teas. Fiber Fiber is a truly an incredible weight loss aide, as it can help you lose weight in many ways. It makes you eat slower. It takes most people a lot longer to eat a bowl of bran flakes than one brownie (Murray). Fiber makes you feel "full," so you'll want to eat less. It stimulates your body to release natural appetite-suppressing hormones like cholecystokinin (Murray). With all these benefits, adding more fiber to your diet just may be one of the most important steps you take to achieve your weight loss goal, maintain a healthy body weight and improve your general health. Insoluble fiber • Whole grains e.g. quinoa, buckwheat and bulgur • Whole grain bread instead of white bread • Vegetables (especially peels and skins) • Fruit pulp e.g. freshly squeezed orange juice Soluble fiber • Fruit and vegetables (especially apples) • Legumes • Oatmeal • Nuts (such as almonds, psyllium seeds and sunflower seeds) Avocado extract Though most people lose weight by taking two avocado extract tablets per day, the Life Extension Foundation reports that you can take more when you feel hungry, so as to eat even fewer calories daily, or limit yourself to only two tablets and eat a healthy, sensible meal. Chickweed Some experts believe that the common "weed" chickweed acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Cumin This tasty spice not only adds a little zest to any dish, it also acts as a natural appetite suppressant, according to Asian Health Secrets. Evening primrose oil According to Professor Gary Null's Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, if you take 500 milligrams of evening primrose oil in the morning, it may help reduce your appetite all day long. Fennel Fennel seeds, stalks and bulbs act as a natural appetite suppressant, according to Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Fennel makes a wonderful herbal tea, plus, they make a great garnish, giving any dish their special flavor. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) Gamma-linolenic acid is the active component of flaxseed and flaxseed oil, primrose oil and blackcurrant seed. By helping to control the metabolism of fats, GLA is a natural appetite suppressant. German chamomile tea Many people in Costa Rica use German chamomile tea as an appetite suppressant, but the trend hasn't caught on elsewhere yet. Grapefruits Grapefruit is the typical diet food. They are so low in calories that the energy it takes to eat one of them most likely burns off all the citrus fruit's calories. Plus, grapefruits are a natural appetite suppressant. Hawthorn berries In traditional Chinese medicine, hawthorn berries are believed to act as a natural appetite suppressant and also aid in the digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Jerusalem Artichokes Jerusalem artichokes contain inulin, a natural fructose polymer that curbs your appetite by slowing down carbohydrate metabolism. Nuts Most people avoid nuts because they're high in fat and calories, but they're actually good for you. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pecans, filberts, macadamia nuts, and sunflower and pumpkin seeds may be high in calories, but their fat-to-carbohydrate ratio is so high that they'll naturally suppress your appetite, which will lead to you eat fewer calories overall. Peppermint tea Drinking peppermint tea helps some people reduce their appetite. Spirulina This potent cancer-fighter and immune-booster can help you lose weight by satisfying your appetite with nutrients rather than empty calories. Phenylalanine (L-Phenylalanine) When it comes to weight control, phenylalanine is truly remarkable. Your body needs it to form another amino acid called tyrosine, which your thyroid gland needs to produce the hormones that control metabolism. If you are deficient in phenylalanine, then you're most likely deficient in tyrosine, which means your metabolism—the rate that your body converts calories to energy—is not operating as it should and unburned calories equal stored body fat. Food sources of phenylalanine include: • Whole grains • Raw Pistachio nuts • Raw Almonds • Groundnuts (peanuts) • Leafy vegetables • Poultry (preferable organic or free-range) • Cottage cheese Red raspberry leaf tea Red Raspberry leaf tea acts as a natural diuretic, keeps your appetite under control and boosts your metabolism. You may have to look no further than this tea. Avoid drinking this tea before bedtime as it gives you an energy boost and you may end up having a sleepless night. Green tea Drinking a cup of green tea 20 minutes before a meal helps you eat less by reducing your appetite and helping you to feel "full." Please note that green tea contains caffeine. Its caffeine content can cause high blood pressure, heart palpitations, behavioral changes and even cardiac arrest, especially in people who are sensitive to caffeine, or who have high blood pressure, arteriolosclerosis, or glucose intolerance. Exercise Regular exercise naturally suppresses your appetite and boosts your metabolism. This means that you should exercise five to seven times per week, not just intermittently. Pine Nuts Pinolenic acid, a fatty acid found in pine nuts is the next big thing in natural appetite control supplements. It is specifically found in Korean pine nuts. Pinolenic acid has been tested and shown to offer surprisingly good results in turning off the appetite without causing any negative side effects whatsoever. It stimulates the production of hormones that tell the hypothalamus you’re full, so you stop eating. You can also get the effect of pinolenic acid just by eating 3 grams of pine nuts, because the pine nuts contain fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and things other than just fatty acid. But you will find the fatty acid alone acts as an appetite control supplement. In conclusion if you add a natural appetite suppressant to your weight-loss regiment such as pinolenic acid and you combine this strategy with remineralization and a nutritional approach by adding superfoods and high-nutrient density foods and supplements to your diet, then you're going to turn off the cravings that fuel the appetite even more effectively. When you put all these measures together, I believe that it is possible to lose weight. If you are aware of any health problem which may compromise your general health, it is important to seek treatment. A Health and Wellness Counselor may help you, to bring you back in balance and to good health through, detoxing, healthy eating and living, create a proper diet suited for your condition, advise natural remedies, herbs, wholefood supplements and organic cosmetics.
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AuthorBarbara is a qualified nutritionist offering Health, Nutrition & Lifestyle Counseling. She gives Healthy weight loss advice and promotes the Mediterranean diet. She is the author of the Med Life Diet - creating healthy lifestyle habits and attitudes for life ! Archives
August 2024